Sierra Adventures Pet Services
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7 Dog Commands
There are seven commands that every dog needs to learn.
SIT, DOWN, STAY, OFF, HEAL COME AND NO. Every command should be preceded
by your pet’s first name. Such as “Sasha. Sit.” Let’s take each of these commands one at a time.

This command comes easy to most dogs. They pick it up quickly as they like to sit. To start, say the command and push down on their back until they sit. Give lots of praise and say “that was a good SIT” then offer a reward from the ditty bag.
This command for larger dogs can be difficult especially if they resist. A taunt tug downward on the leash will help them in understanding the command. You might have to stand next to them after getting them in the sit position and lift up the front and push them down. Once they get the idea and light bulb goes off, you are good to go.
Dogs will stay with the right hand gestures. Give the command stay with you open hand placed out in front then back away. Be commanding and they will stay longer each time you repeat the command. Practice makes perfect.
Whenever your dog jumps up on a table, or up on you or others firmly command them with the word OFF and push them away. When they perform the command properly offer them some enthusiastic words of praise and a treat from your ditty bag.
Every dog must learn the word no. Be firm with the command. “Shash. No.” Do not reward when not performed but be civil and with time whenever you say no, they will obey.
Healing is allowing your dog to walk beside you on leash without bolting. Always use your dog’s name and the word Heal together. Then start off walking slowly together. Using a restraining collar on feisty critters may be needed. Start slow and practice.
Use a long lead of 20 feet and collar short a leash. Allow your dog to walk from you starting out 3 feet and then provide an enthusiastic “Come” command and get down on their level. Stepping on the lead will give you control when things don’t quite go as expected. Repeat over and over. Increase the distance. Reward them for good behavior from the ditty bag. Don’t shout or yell at your dog. They will learn with time.