Sierra Adventures Pet Services
1 -775-229-3140
Where Happy Hounds Hang Out!

We Are Your Pet Specialists!
Call or Text Mimi Anytime!
Serving the High Sierra region since 2012!
Here are some dog tips and helpful hints.
4 Summertime Safety Tips
Avoid Sunburns. Apply pet-safe sun block cream to white fur and where skin is pink.
Keep foot pads safe from burns and broken glass. Hot pavement can burn. Hold hand to pavement for 10 seconds to test temperature. Use dog booties.
Store dangerous chemicals and tools away from your pet. Car antifreeze tastes sweet and can poison dogs and cats.
Check your dogs tags for readability incase they run off. Put pet name, your name and phone number.
Prepare your Pups Pre - 4th of July fireworks
Take your dog on a long walk! A tired pup is a less anxious pup
Keep pups on leash at ALL times on the 4th, even when in your yard
Provide a fun distraction like a chew or peanut butter filled KONG once fireworks begin
Secure a Safe Space for your Dog to Relax In
If a pup seeks comfort under a bed or in a small space allow them to stay there
Drown out the sound of fireworks by playing music or leaving a TV on
Lock all doors and windows during fireworks. Stressed pups will look for escape paths
Pup Approved Indoor Activities for Cold Weather Days
Written by Lauren Hano for DogVacay
Don't let a case of cabin fever get your pup down! As outdoor temperatures remain icy or days get hot, we've rounded up some fun activities that will ensure you and your four-legged best friend can enjoy the great indoors together. From simple rounds of fetch to more elaborate indoor agility games, we doubt your pup will mind spending time inside after all.
Dog Paw Painting. -Let your pup release his inner Pawcasso with this fun project! Grab a blank canvas along with non-toxic, washable finger paints and Fluffy is ready to create a colorful masterpiece. If Fluffy is in diva mode and refuses to give a PAWtograph, reel him in with a tasty treat that he can’t resist! This painting is sure to be an eye-catcher in your living room or a surprising parting gift for pet parents.
Play, Play, Play! - What pup doesn’t love playing a good game of fetch, tug-o-war, or hide and seek? Just because the weather is keeping you indoors, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with your pups! Play a light game of fetch in an open space, playfully chase your four-legged friends in a game of tag, build an obstacle course with pillows or use hidden treats to play hide and seek. Not only will this keep canines from boredom, but they’ll get a good workout too!
Pamper your Guest Pup - There are a ton of toys nowadays to keep canines minds stimulated and entertained indoors. The Seek-A-Treat Shuffle Bone Dog Puzzle truly puts pups’ IQ to the test by hiding treats inside the puzzle and rewarding as soon as the task is complete! The Busy Buddy Tug-a-Jug Treat Dispensing Dog Toy keeps dogs actively engaged, providing a multi-sensory appeal to keep dogs interested and motivated to play while the cold weather is keeping them away!
Exercise on the Stairs - The stairs are the perfect way to keep your Guest pooch active and exhausted during the colder days! The physical challenge of the stairway is fun and a great tool for training too. Have your Guest pooch sit at the bottom of the stairs while you place a treat at the top of the stairs. Call the pup’s name and reward him with a yummy treat for running up the stairs. Eventually, train him to go up and down the stairs to get his reward!
Doga - As silly as it may sound, Doga is a ton of fun! Doga is a combination of yoga and dog training, used to help you and your Guest pup meditate, maintain balance, and build strength. Search YouTube to find doga videos that will teach you and your Guest pup how to perfect the downward dog!
Concha with peanout butter Fill a buddy toy with peanut butter and let it roll.
With these fun pup-approved indoor activities, we guarantee the coldor hot weather won’t ruin your furry friend’s day!
These are just some of the play ideas we use when you board your dog with us.