Sierra Adventures Pet Services
1 -775-229-3140
Where Happy Hounds Hang Out!

We Are Your Pet Specialists!
Call or Text Mimi Anytime!
Serving the High Sierra region since 2012!
Sierra Adventures Vacays
We hope you're as excited as we are about your pet's first Overnight Stay or Day Care Stay. We know we are!
We provide professional, personalized care with lots of love for your pet while you are away from your furry loved ones.
Here's what to do to plan your Pup’s stay with us.
Review the pup's behavioral and medical history. Owners should provide any medical conditions or medications and provide the name of their veterinarian and their vaccination records and county license number in case of emergencies. Let us know if your pup has separation anxiety, is fully house trained and how they behave on a leash or around other pups and children. Or, any other quirky behavior should be noted.
Confirm all the needed belongings are there at drop off. Your pup will need collar tags with clear contact information, their leash, plenty of food and bowl, and any other items needed to make sure they have a safe and comfortable stay with us, such as treats, toys, blankets, beds, etc.
Introduce Your Pups. At Happy Hounds your pup will be staying with one of our pets, so it is important prior to the stay to introduce your pup with our pups. Our resident pups and guest pups should be properly introduced in a neutral location prior to their stay. So set an appointment.
Maintain your Pup’s Feeding Schedule. It is important to maintain both the timing and food types your pup is used to in order to avoid upset stomachs or dehydration. Provide us with his food and special treats and chews.
We walk your pup once or more per day. Guest pups love us for walking them daily. It helps them expend extra energy which makes for a tired pup at bedtime. We always put the leash on before exiting our home and never take a pup off leash in an open area.
What to do with an anxious pup. Most pups love to be on vacation, but a small percentage may be slightly anxious while away from their parents. Behavior such as restlessness, barking, or reduced appetite are indications of separation anxiety. We have found that a long walk, a peanut butter filled KONG, or a chewy treat can distract them. Let us know what to expect.
Send the pup parents photo updates. Nothing puts a pet parent at ease more than seeing an adorable photo of their furry friends having a fantastic time on their vacation stay. So at Dog Depot, we will send you photos and updates via email or text message, so make sure you give us your cell phone number and email address. We'll remind you in case you furrr...get.
If you have any questions or concerns about your
Sierra Adventures Vacay-Stay, don't hesitate to call us
anytime: 775-229-3140 or email us at GraeagleDogVacay@gmail.com