Sierra Adventures Pet Services
1 -775-229-3140
Where Happy Hounds Hang Out!

We Are Your Pet Specialists!
Call or Text Mimi Anytime!
Serving the High Sierra region since 2012!
Pet Services
Doggie Day Care
Between 7 am and 6 pm
Doggie Over Night Stay
$50 per day/per doggie
Walking Rates
$15.00 per 1/2 hour
$30.00 per hour
Nail Clipping
Graeagle Pick Up and Drop Off*
Graeagle Emporium Happy Hunting Grounds
7701 Hwy 89, Graeagle, CA - Old School House
Within 5 miles of Graeagle - $8.00 R/T
Within 6-25 miles of Graeagle - $20.00 R/T
Over 25 miles from Graeagle - Call for estimate
Doggie Training Is mandatory. Dogs should be able to sit, stay and down. Not jump on folks. Walk on leash.
Make sure pets are vaccinated and have had a recent rabies shot. Proof of papers needed.
All rates are subject to change. If rates posted above differ from the quoted DogVacay.com posted rates, the Vacay posted rates
will be the current rates. Book using DogVacay.com includes pet insurance according to their plans.

Happy Trails.

We sit kitties too!